Monday, July 7, 2008

fun in the sun

After finishing everything I need to get done for the week ahead (including a 50min run that felt great!), I got a call from my friend Jel, asking if I wanted to tag along as she checked out her car after some trauma that occurred on Saturday. Well, yeah, of course!!

First we headed to Three Bags Full, one of my favorite yarn stores, where I showed amazing restraint over some variegated Misti Alpaca (sigh, want).

Then we headed out. At first we really didn't have a destination. Just hanging and rocking out to Kate Perry's new song "I kissed a girl." Eventually, Jel decided to head to White Rock, as it is one of the many places I haven't been yet.

The clouds form the morning had burned off and it was beautiful a beautiful evening. We parked, picked up some ice cream, walked about a bit, including down the pier where we saw a few fish and minnows and a whole whack of starfish! Again I show my transplant stripes as I have never seen so many, and in the wild, no less. Very cool!

We stopped for fish and chips on the way back to the car, and headed back home. The sunset that we drove into, while a little hard on the eyes, was utterly spectacular, where the sun was pink behind the clouds and looked twice as big as usual. The kind that no camera could capture. Which wasn't a bad thing, since I had left mine at home.

While it was only half a day, it was so far from everyday, that it seemed like a vacation. I just wish I had brought my knitting!

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