Wednesday, July 23, 2008

i've been busy

So busy in fact, that I don't know where to start.

-gone to knit nights (one of which is on a beach!)
-spent time with friends like Julia V & Jel
-gone on a date (it was mediocre and I'm totally not interested in him. now if he would only get a clue)
-gone to another Aikido class (wanted to do more, but I've been so busy!)
-had itsy bitsy, it can barely be called, surgery on my lip (had some stupid cyst removed. Yeah it's gone)
-and I went to a systema seminar.

The last one really has held me up because I want to write about it, but so much happened that weekend, it just sounds like some boring play by play. So I'm taking my time to write about it. Hopefully I'll have some stuff up soon. It was FUN!!

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