Thursday, July 31, 2008

Systema Seminar (part IV)

Eventually we packed it in and headed to the campground. When we arrived, Ryan and Tom headed to the meadow that we were practicing while I headed to the campsite. I could see that Lawrence, Rianna & Jeff had already packed up, so I started on my tent as well. Something told me that leaving it there for the next six hours unattended would be a bad idea.

Eventually Allen & Alistair showed up at the campsite as well and kindly gave me a hand at hastily packing up my tent, etc. There was much “we’ll deal with it later” type stuffing of thing into the car, and soon we were off to the meadow as well. Alas, our hast was unnecessary as half of the participants didn’t show up for another 15 min.

Soon enough we were back to practicing. Much of this is a haze for me as my mantra for the day was “I. Can. Do. This.” through the nausea and headache. Note to self, three shots of vodka are enough, especially during a seminar. (This is where I question how everyone else could be so steady. They had as much, if not more than me! I really must be a wimp, or I don’t drink enough).I do remember running and pushups and more punching (which did not make me more nauseous, surprisingly).

Eventually we got to some of the more unusual training. Because we were outside, it gave us the opportunity to work in the forest a bit. We played hide & seek of sorts, only on a grander scale. This is where I really started to regret wearing shorts, as the sticks and brambles just trashed my legs. Vali’s lesson in this practice was the practicality & reality of camouflage. It really isn’t as easy as it looks in the movies! Camouflage print help, but does not make you invisible.

After that we spent another hour or so practicing with knives. Knives were especially fun for me this trip as I finally had my own practice knife, an old hunting knife that my dad gave me. I had thought that it was pretty dull, ant it was around the tip and top of the knife. Unfortunately for me and another participant (darn, forgot her name already), we learned that the lower blade was still fairly sharp. It bit me twice and her once. Thankfully, I had found a kindred spirit in her as she looked at it more as a learning experience than as something serious, although, we were much more careful with my knife after that.

Another luxury of practicing on Denman Island was the beach! After a short break we headed to the beach to finish of the training with and hour of training in the water. The water lends itself to all sorts of good training experiences and facing fear. We did more pushups, sit ups and squats in the water. There was some strike work and kicking and some stuff that reminded me of goofing off as a kid in the water, although we put a serious twist on it as well. It was a good balance of play and practice. We finished up with some breath work and then we had to go. The time was all to short, but there was a bunch of us who had to make the ferry. After some hasty good-byes we jumped in the car (I didn’t even have a chance to change and had to borrow Stephan’s towel to sit on so we didn’t ruin the rental car).

We made it to the ferry on time and I changed in the washroom. We chatted a bit and said our goodbyes to our friends. Rianna & Jeff were headed to her mom’s place and are moving up to Dawson’s creek, so it is unlikely I will see them again anytime soon. I also should have said goodbye to Ryan & Tom, but I thought they would be on the ferry to Horseshoe bay with us; unfortunately they went to Twassen instead (sniff, and Ryan was giving me such a nice hug, too. Sigh)

It was hard to believe that less than 48 hours before we were going to Denman Island, it seemed more like a week! The trip home was long, but uneventful and I think it took me about a week to recover from the weekend. I can’t wait to do it again.


Well, that's it. I can get on with the rest of my life now!

Systema Seminar (part III)

In which I have an excellent, unforgettable morning.


The next morning I woke bright and early. My internal alarm always gets me up at about 6am and with my headache and twitchy stomach (aka my hangover) I knew that I wasn’t getting a whole lot more sleep. I did doze to about 8am, but the day was much too beautiful to sleep through. The cabin I was staying in was almost all glass, but I didn’t feel exposed as it was in a pretty remote location, and there were trees surrounding the cabin. The View was spectacular. Trees reached towards the blue sky and the sun meeting them half way.

I finally got up and walked around a bit, not knowing what to do. It was about 8:30 and the seminar started at 10. I had stuff to do and needed to get back to camp, but no one else was up. I tried not to worry and enjoy the morning as there wasn’t much I could do. I didn’t have the guts to wake Alistair & Allen up so we could get going.

As I was wondering around, I somehow spotted a dragonfly wing, perfectly intact, lying on the ground. How amazing that it could survive on a dirt road without breaking! As I was looking at it Ryan, one of the participants from Seattle, came up. I gave it to him to look at then dropped it back on the ground. I would have liked to take it with me, but it would have gotten trashed before I got back to Vancouver. I thought it would be a good lesson in detachment.

Ryan encouraged me to go inside and wake people up, but I was too much of a chicken. I did eventually go inside to get a glass of water, but everyone was pretty much still unconscious. I asked Ryan if they were going to the campsite anytime soon, thinking if I could get a ride, I could get a start on things. Instead, they were going for breakfast and he invited me to join him and Tom. Since the living are generally more interesting than the dead, or just unconscious, I took him up on the offer.

Breakfast was interesting. The service was on Denman Island time, which means friendly, but slow. One of the locals approached me and said he could tell by my posture that I was part of the martial arts group. I think it was just that I came in with Ryan & Tom, but my ego like the possibility that it is true.

The food was good, even thought my stomach was still staging a major revolt in opposition to my actions of the night before (morning?), the sun was shining in the windows and the conversation was good. I was having breakfast with some of my people, regardless of the fact I had known them for less than 24 hrs, and everything was good.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Systema Seminar (part II)

Once we finished for the day, the Gibsons group and I headed to the campsite to set up. Rianna & Jeff were kind enough to let me set up my tent behind their campsite. Actually, it was behind the neighbor’s campsite, they were pretty kind as well. Alistair boiled some water and made tea for us and slowly we went about making dinner. Everyone was very kind and shared some of their meal. Lawrence brought some sweet & sour soup that his talented wife had made, as well as some oysters and sardines (didn’t get to them though). Alistair made some soup with ramen noodles, spicy sausage, and other stuff. I made some veggie burgers on my new little stove. There were cracker, cookies, gorp and reese candy about as well. It made for quite the spectacular camping dinner.

We had all been invited to Vali’s (the teacher) after the seminar and at about 10pm Alistair, Allen and I finally headed out. After a couple wrong turns, a side trip to check out a map of the island and one hour later, we finally arrived. I found out later that part of the group had been an left by then, but there was still a good group of people left and we had a good time practicing another Russian tradition, Vodka shots, and listening to stories of systema, boarder crossings, and all sundry of things.

By the time we decided to pack it in, it was about four o’clock in the morning. Since we were in no shape to drive home by then, Alistair & Allen crashed on Vali’s floor, and I got the guest house which included a queen size bed and a duvet! Quite luxurious, considering I had been prepared to sleep in my tent!

Systema Seminar (part I)

I am finally getting this together! I don't have many pictures, you'll have to use your imagintion for most of it. I hope I've written this well enough that you get an idea of my weekend.


I found out about the seminar on Friday, I believe. From there it was a bit of a panic to see if I would make it there. I had never been to Denman Island before, and really, had no idea where it was. I spent a great deal of time figuring that out and trying to figure out how I would get there. I sent off an email to Vali to see if he had any ideas, knew of anyone I could catch a ride with. He put me in touch with the folks in Gibsons, which was a no brainer, but I didn’t what to bug them unnecessarily. Eventually, it was decided that I would meet up with them at the Horseshoe Bay ferry and we would rent a car to drive from Nanaimo to Denman Island. A surprisingly economical way to get over, until you factor in the cost of getting a car across on the ferry ($70 each way vs. $50/day).

Where I would spend the night remained a mystery even once we got to the seminar. I had panicked a bit and purchased a camp stove and some other camping equipment even though I was told not to worry. It was a bit of a splurge (what about this weekend wasn’t) but it was just too cute to pass up. It comes in a little plastic container and even has accessories that I can get later! I also packed a bunch of food, hoping it would be enough (of course, it turned out to be too much; although, I got kudos for being over prepared instead of under!)

While it was a bit of a panic to get to the seminar, once we were there things loosened up quickly. I was happy to feel that, even though I hadn’t really practiced over a year, I hadn’t lost much, (although this could mean I sucked as much then as I do now). We did some really fun drills with running with your eyes closed and two groups running at each other to help get over the initial fear. We did grab and escape, and punching drills all with the intention of disassociating with the attackers and attacks. We progressed from punching to knife work in a way that I could see that the movement and breathing for punching is similar to the movement and breathing for knife defense (I learned something!). After a while, I got the impression that we were practicing for more than the standard 4 hours. All told, we practiced for about 6 hours. Thankfully, the pillars of Systema, Breathing, Relaxation, Posture, & Movement, meant that I survived the 6 hours without completely exhausting myself.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I went camping!

Neil, Dan, Jel and Me

On the ferry to Naniamo

We set up camp in the rain and then partied until the wee hours of the morning.

In the morning, we inspected our creative use of the car to put up the tarp. Interesting.

I am especially pleased that not only did my tent get set up, but I actually got to use it as well. I'm not sure, but I do believe, while this is the forth time being set up in my care, it is the first time I've actually used it!

We went to Long Beach. It was stunning, even with the cloudy day.

I got to play on some cool rocks!

We walked around a rain forest trail. There are huge trees there. The one above looks much larger in real life.

We visited Tofino and chilled on the docks there, as well as having some much missed coffee.

Day two and we get to see Long beach in the sun. We even went swimming in the ocean. Since there were four of us, we didn't dither about, whining about the cold. It was awesome!!

Of course, I needed to take a knitting picture. I didn't have my sock with me, just a dishclothe in progress.

After the swim, we headed back to the ferry terminal (a 3 hour drive). We missed the 5:20pm ferry. While we waited to see if we could get on the 7:05 ferry, we chilled in the sun and played Rummy.
When we missed the 7:05 ferry, we headed to a pub for some refreshments. We didn't get home until late.

It was an awesome time and we already have plans in progress to do this again.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

i've been busy

So busy in fact, that I don't know where to start.

-gone to knit nights (one of which is on a beach!)
-spent time with friends like Julia V & Jel
-gone on a date (it was mediocre and I'm totally not interested in him. now if he would only get a clue)
-gone to another Aikido class (wanted to do more, but I've been so busy!)
-had itsy bitsy, it can barely be called, surgery on my lip (had some stupid cyst removed. Yeah it's gone)
-and I went to a systema seminar.

The last one really has held me up because I want to write about it, but so much happened that weekend, it just sounds like some boring play by play. So I'm taking my time to write about it. Hopefully I'll have some stuff up soon. It was FUN!!

Friday, July 11, 2008


The Particle Zoo: Subatomic Particle Plush Toys

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I'm a Runner, again!

2007 basically sucked for me.

I got sick for a long time and lost a lot of my physical fitness gains that I had achieved in 2005/2006. One of those gains was running. Real running, like for an hour at a time. This was new and very cool for me. A run can feel good; amazing, really. So, when my body revolted and I couldn't run anymore, it was devastating, painful. I was truly hurt that my body would do that to me. I really couldn't understand what happened (although, some suspect with my running and Aikido and the gym and school and work I was doing to much, and despite all the clues my body was giving me, I just wouldn't take the hint).

I am pretty much all better, although I have a bit more asthma than I did before all of this. I have started clawing back some of those gains that I lost last year. This spring I started running again. At first it was pretty painful; also, I am in perpetual fear of overdoing it and hurting myself again. Then there is the asthma, which makes the first 20 mins or so more uncomfortable that they used to be.

In the last couple of weeks I have finally been getting my times up into the 40 & 50 min range (I have no idea the distances I run) and the hills are getting easier! After all the kinks have been worked out my body almost fluid.

It's starting to feel amazing again.

I fell so much better. My self confidence and love of life is growing again. I think it will be easier to eat better as well. Who need a date square when I feel this good!

Thank you, life.

Monday, July 7, 2008

fun in the sun

After finishing everything I need to get done for the week ahead (including a 50min run that felt great!), I got a call from my friend Jel, asking if I wanted to tag along as she checked out her car after some trauma that occurred on Saturday. Well, yeah, of course!!

First we headed to Three Bags Full, one of my favorite yarn stores, where I showed amazing restraint over some variegated Misti Alpaca (sigh, want).

Then we headed out. At first we really didn't have a destination. Just hanging and rocking out to Kate Perry's new song "I kissed a girl." Eventually, Jel decided to head to White Rock, as it is one of the many places I haven't been yet.

The clouds form the morning had burned off and it was beautiful a beautiful evening. We parked, picked up some ice cream, walked about a bit, including down the pier where we saw a few fish and minnows and a whole whack of starfish! Again I show my transplant stripes as I have never seen so many, and in the wild, no less. Very cool!

We stopped for fish and chips on the way back to the car, and headed back home. The sunset that we drove into, while a little hard on the eyes, was utterly spectacular, where the sun was pink behind the clouds and looked twice as big as usual. The kind that no camera could capture. Which wasn't a bad thing, since I had left mine at home.

While it was only half a day, it was so far from everyday, that it seemed like a vacation. I just wish I had brought my knitting!

Friday, July 4, 2008

By Jove, I think I've got it! (again)

Last semester it took geology 1110. The idea was that it would complement well if I got into astrophysics as I would know more about rock. That, and rocks are fun. I have always loved picking up a rock (especially the sparkly ones) and wondering what they were made of; if they had names. Well, now I know.

I loved the course. I even got myself an A- in an otherwise mediocre semester.

Naturally, now I am obsessed with geology. So much so that I have given up on the goal of being a physicist (I always said it was the stars type goal, not really within reach) and want to be a geologist now. I love the idea of working with the land, the earth's crust; and knowing what the rocks are. Plus, there are jobs in geology- jobs are good. Jobs that don't involve teaching are even better.

So, now I am looking into what I need to be a geologist. It looks good. Much better than what I need to be a physicist. I still need to take physics, which is good; but I won't need (or feel that I need) A+ grades, which just aren't coming.

Now, of course, I feel like a flake. Before, I said that physics was my dream (or, at least, I was really excited about it). I told myself that I wasn't just looking for a job at the end of that line, but I really wanted to learn physics. Now, one crappy year and a collection of mediocre grades later, I ditch the pie in the sky and decide to go for the possibility of jobs.

I like to think of myself as a trooper. That I stick to it, work hard and get the job done. In some ways, I feel that if I let go of the physics dream, I am invalidating that.

Of course, that's hogwash.

I know that if I hadn't gone to school for physics, I wouldn't have gotten into geology, and where ever else that takes me. Geology may not be as high of a dream as physics, but it will still be a challenge. There is nothing small about this new goal.

So... here's to new paths. Wish me luck.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I be trying the picture thing again.

This should be a picture of me doing a demonstration at the February '07 seminar.

back by popular demand

Last night I went to my Aikido class for the first time in nearly a year. I kinda had to surprise myself with the idea, no big lead up, just had nothing better to do last night and I didn't want to watch a movie.

It was a good class. I got a big hug from Charles when I got there and most people, the ones I really knew from before, were really glad to see me; all asking where I had been and what I was up to. I was really happy to see Ron, as he was one of the last people I talked to before I took my break, and was the one who suggested that I take some serious time off, that it might give me some perspective.

Jojo taught last night. Actually, part of the reason I went last night was the fact that it was Wednesday, and Tama Sensei wouldn't be teaching. I'm not quite ready to deal with her, yet. It was also nice that the majority of the people I wanted to avoid weren't there. Handy that. Maybe Life is easing me back into it as well. Thank you.

It really was a good class. So good that after buying just a drop in pass for the night, I got a month pass after class. It will be fun/interesting to get myself back into it.

Of course, all my old concerns are still rolling around in my head. Like how people train; do I really want to be a member of this style of Aikido; is that really important to me anyways; how do I train with the people I don't trust; am I rally just wasting my time; how much effort should I put into this; how much of the Japanese culture do I want to assimilate; etc.

I just remember trying so hard before, and being so incredibly disappointed. I guess I will have to find a new way to practice, an new mind to bring to class. It feels like I will need to bring a more selfish mind, that to protect myself, I will need to hold back from some people, and some things, so I won't build up my expectation and not disappoint myself again. I will have to let go of my expectations of other in their relationships with me, and their attitudes and opinions of Aikido. I must remember that everyone has a different experience of Aikido and hears a different lesson in each class.

Yeah, sure. Wish me luck with that.